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See ViewMedica at AAOE 2019

May 5th - May 7th | Booth #531 We look forward to showing off the latest updates to our VMcast waiting room TV system and the On-Demand patient education video system for your website. We will be at AAOE from May 5th to May 7th, at booth #531. If you are attending AAOE, please stop by the ViewMedica booth and say “Hi.” ...

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See ViewMedica at the ASIPP Annual Meeting 2019

May 3rd - May 5th | Booth #303 We look forward to showing off the latest updates to our VMcast waiting room TV system and the On-Demand patient education video system for your website. We will be at the ASIPP Annual Meeting from May 3rd to May 5th, at booth #303. If you are attending the ASIPP Annual Meeting, please stop by the ViewMedica booth and say “Hi.” ...

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See ViewMedica at AACD 2019

April 25th - April 27th | Booth #622 We look forward to showing off the latest updates to our VMcast waiting room TV system and the On-Demand patient education video system for your website. We will be at AACD from April 25th to April 27th, at booth #622. If you are attending AACD, please stop by the ViewMedica booth and say “Hi.” ...

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People don’t like false missile alerts

CDC finds out that Hawaii’s false missile alarm was scary. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed twitter responses and confirmed that people were terrified by a ballistic missile alert last year in Hawaii. And when the Hawaiians found out it was a false alarm, well that just made them mad. Missiles aren’t really a health issue, so why did the CDC care about this? They figure social media will be a good method to get word out in case of...

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Social media affects the doctor-patient relationship

A look at the positive impact of social media on the healthcare industry. Interesting article in Forbes looks at the positive impact of social media on the healthcare industry. It’s important to know this and make your practice website a respected destination to capture as much of this social linking as possible. Have health content on your practice site that patients can share with their friends and family. Web users prefer to consume and share videos, such as ViewMedica’s On-Demand content, but even simple...

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Here's help to dispel those nasty vaccine myths.

See the new video series that busts the most common misconceptions about vaccinations. Ask a patient why they are not getting their vaccinations and you’ll probably be quoted one of the most common negative myths about the vaccination process. The reason for this is that misinformation about vaccines is rampant on the internet, and that’s where many of your patients go for common medical advice. But thanks to the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians and the New Jersey Department of Health, there’s...

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Can you really educate patients in the waiting room?

Educating patients in medical waiting rooms has been a hot topic of late, but many still wonder whether patients will take advantage it. A recent study of both medical and dental waiting rooms found that 61% of patients do pay attention to waiting room education, especially if it is delivered via waiting room TV or audio messages. Unfortunately, merely providing a preferred method of patient education doesn’t guarantee understanding. Of the patients surveyed, 46% had difficulty understanding medical terms in the health information. The...

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Do your patients understand you correctly?

How poor patient communication leads to the same issues seen after an actual medical error. According to a recent article in Medical News Today, poor doctor-patient communication can lead to the same issues that would be expected after an actual medical error. These include poor outcomes, breakdowns in care and increased malpractice claims. The article points out that communication is particularly important when dealing with chronic diseases, as patient understanding of the complications of their disease is key to patient activation. In short, a...

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New year, new feature for VMcast Waiting Room TV

See our newest improvement to your VMcast experience. A new year not only brings new ViewMedica videos, but also a new video-hosting feature for VMcast subscribers. VMcast subscribers in our Pro Setup and Fully Managed plans can now upload their own video files to our server for use in VMcast. Now you don’t have to rely on YouTube or manage your own video server to host your VMcast videos. Videos uploaded to our server are automatically stored on your Fire TV stick...

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ViewMedica introduces new Geriatrics library

In order to better serve your educational needs, ViewMedica has added a new Geriatrics library. We’ve added a new library to ViewMedica: Geriatrics. ViewMedica geriatric patient education videos cover conditions and care strategies of interest to elderly patients. Most videos in this library are new to ViewMedica, but you’ll also see videos that have been part of other ViewMedica libraries. Together, you now have a geriatrics library of 38 videos and growing. View the Geriatrics Library ...

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