How to get the latest provider demo ViewMedica embed code
You can get new code by signing into your account.

After logging in, from your account Dashboard, click Demo Installation.
On the Embed Codes tab you can select the button for your “Main Embed” code that is the default launch of ViewMedica, starting on the main menu screen. You can generate a text list of all your embed codes. Or, for individual content item embed codes, first select the library to see a listing of all the items in that library.
NOTE: Most resellers only need to embed the full ViewMedica on their site as a marketing tool. Do not use these reseller embed codes for your clients. The code only works on your reseller site. For client embed codes, first select the client from your “My Accounts” list.
Click the item you want the embed code for or select the item’s “Embed” button. A window opens to show the item embed code. Drop your mouse curser into that field and select all. Then hit command+c on the Mac or control+c on the PC to copy. To send the code to a developer, paste it into an email message and send. Or, bring up any Web editing software, or a text editor, and paste the contents of your clipboard.
You may also get a brief text description of the item from this window. If you want a thumbnail image of an item, close the embed code window and select the item’s “Thumb” button.
Note: You can customize this embed code further by turning on or off certain features, changing their default settings. Do this in the section below the embed code field.
Changing Standard Features
Language – The default has your viewer launch as English. You can set this to launch automatically in Spanish or German.
Menu Access – The default (or “On”) gives users of this video access to all menus in your ViewMedica viewer. You can also set this to “Off” to keep your users from accessing any other content with this embed.
Changing Advanced Features
Audio – The default (or “On”) has your viewer launch videos with normal audio. You can set this to “Off” to launch videos with the volume muted.
Brochure – The default (or “On”) has your viewer launch videos with access to printable brochures. You can set this to “Off” to remove the Print Brochure button.
Captions – The default (or “On”) has your viewer launch videos giving the user access to the Closed Captions button . You can set this to “Off” to remove the Closed Captions button.
Disclaimer – The default (or “On”) has your viewer launch videos giving the user access to the ViewMedica Dislaimer. You can set this to “Off” to remove the Disclaimer button.
Sharing – The default (or “On”) has your viewer launch videos giving the user access to Sharing features. You can set this to “Off” to remove the Share button.